Feeling lost and overwhelmed? Discover the secret weapon of successful people: The Blueprint

A couple of days ago, I was at one of my favorite cafes in West LA, Coffee Connection, on Venice and Centinela.

They have this great outdoor seating area under a huge shade tree and gas heat lamps to stave off those frigid 60° LA mornings. 😂

Anyway, I was chatting with a woman I'd seen there for years, she was telling me about a property that she had and not knowing what to do with it.

I asked her how the property falls into the blueprint of where she wants to be in life in the next 10 to 20 years of her life.

She looked at me as if suddenly I was speaking Mandarin.

She told me that she didn't know where she wanted to be in 10-20 years.

And she's in her early 50s!

No wonder she was often stressed, overworked, and feeling frustrated when we would occasionally chat.

Building Your Dreams: Why a Blueprint Matters

Imagine trying to build a house without a blueprint.

You might have a vague idea of what you want, but without a clear plan, you'd waste time, and materials, and probably end up with a wonky mess.

The same applies to your goals and dreams, whether it's conquering a marathon, building a successful business, or simply having a more fulfilling week.

Think of a blueprint as your roadmap to success.

It outlines your goals, defines the steps needed to achieve them, and helps you anticipate challenges.

Here's why having a blueprint is crucial:

  • Clarity: It forces you to define your goals and what success actually looks like for you. Are you aiming for a beach bod or just a healthier lifestyle? Do you want to build a six-figure business or simply have more freedom and flexibility?
  • Focus: A blueprint helps you prioritize and avoid getting sidetracked. It keeps you focused on the most important tasks to move forward, eliminating confusion and overwhelm.
  • Efficiency: Having a plan saves you time and energy. You'll know exactly what needs to be done and have a better sense of how long it will take, leading to efficient action and avoiding wasted effort.
  • Motivation: Seeing your goals laid out in a clear plan can be incredibly motivating. It provides a sense of direction and keeps you moving forward, even when the going gets tough.
  • Adaptability: Life throws curveballs. A good blueprint is flexible and allows you to adjust your course as needed. You can refer back to your plan, re-evaluate your goals, and make necessary changes to stay on track.

So, before you start hammering away at your goals, take the time to build your blueprint.

Grab a pen and paper, or use a digital tool, brainstorm your vision, break it down into actionable steps, and anticipate potential obstacles.

Having a clear roadmap will empower you to make informed decisions, stay motivated, and ultimately, build your dreams, brick by brick.

Back to my friend

I suggested to her to lay out where she wants to be in life at certain stages.

Where did she want to be when she was 60, 70, 80, and beyond?

I first did this exercise when I was in my 30s.

And I laid out one BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) for each decade of my life from 40 to 120 years old.

Because if you don't set your sights on it, you can't hit it.

If you don't lead your life, you'll never be happy, healthy, or successful.

Start building your blueprint today by doing three things;

  • ENVISION what you'd like your life to be and feel like
  • DESIGN a blueprint, a gameplan that will help you get there
  • take daily ACTION to move you toward that vision and plan

P.S. This is the same way that I was able to

  • earn 2 black belts in martial arts
  • be happily married for over 23 years
  • build a 7-figure financial nest egg
  • travel to almost 30 different countries
  • escape the Rat Race

And I did it step by step, brick by brick, week by week. If you want to do the same, you can learn how here: Design Your Ideal Week

Charles Doublet

Helping young men to become warriors, leaders, and teachers. Showing them how to overcome fear, bullies, and life's challenges so they can live the life they were meant to live.

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