
Charles Doublet

Helping young men to become warriors, leaders, and teachers. Showing them how to overcome fear, bullies, and life's challenges so they can live the life they were meant to live.

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Are You Setting Yourself Up for Success or Suffering? Here's How To Tell and What To Do

The Safety Trap: Why Playing It Safe Leads to Failure (And What to Do Instead) Have you ever wondered why, despite doing everything right, you still feel stuck? You’ve avoided risks, stayed in your comfort zone, and played it safe—yet something feels off. Here’s the thing no one tells you: the very desire to be safe might be the one trap that’s setting you up for frustration, failure, and ultimately, your fall. Safety is a tricky beast. We’re wired to avoid danger, and for a good reason. But...

The Battle for Your Mind You wake up, reach for your phone, and scroll through the news. The headlines scream chaos—disaster, conflict, fear. Social media feeds show you curated lives that seem better than yours, creating a subtle sense of dissatisfaction. But here’s the catch: most of what you see is designed to manipulate your emotions, keep you glued to the screen, and, most importantly, control where your attention goes. We live in the safest, most abundant, and connected time in human...

The Lie We Keep Telling Ourselves "I'm bad at math." How many times have you heard this phrase? Worse yet, how many times have you said it? We’ve all encountered it, maybe in a classroom, a work meeting, or even casually in conversation. It's so common that it’s become a catchphrase for self-sabotage, an excuse we cling to when confronted with anything remotely challenging. But here’s the real question: Is it true? If you’ve ever told yourself you’re bad at math, chances are, you weren’t...

The Trap of Focusing on What You Don’t Want Most people are stuck in life because they’re focused on what they don’t want. Think about it. How often have you found yourself saying things like, “I don’t want to be broke” “I don’t want to be stuck in this job” “I don’t want to be in a relationship like this anymore” This is a common mindset, but it's also one of the biggest reasons why most people fail to create the life they want. The irony is, by focusing so hard on what you don’t want, you...

It happens. It may even have happened to you. You have 5 minutes to kill and instead of doing something productive, you open social media and next thing you know you've wasted too much damn time. Not shaming you, I've been there myself. That is why a few years ago I compiled a list for myself of things to do instead of opening up my phone and wasting time. It dawned on me to share this list when a buddy at my BJJ school shared his frustration with social media and falling in.Here's my partial...

Why Getting Back on the Motorcycle After an Accident Is Crucial Imagine you're cruising down the road on your motorcycle, feeling the wind rush against your face, the hum of the engine beneath you, and the freedom of the open road. But then, out of nowhere, it happens. An accident. You're thrown from the bike, the world spinning in a blur of pain, fear, and confusion. In that instant, everything changes. Fear takes hold. It’s not just the physical injuries that leave scars. It’s the mental...

How to Use Your Emotions to Achieve Your Goals and Dreams In the world of online gurus, we're constantly told to picture our dream life. We’re encouraged to create vision boards, write out our ideal day, and envision every detail of the life we want to live. These exercises are powerful tools, no doubt. But here’s the harsh reality: while these practices can help, they often fall short. Why? Because so many people engage in these exercises yet still find themselves stuck, unable to achieve...

The Struggle Between Moving On and Reflecting Imagine this: you're standing at a crossroads, and every path looks like a dead end. You've hit a wall at work, a relationship has soured, or maybe your latest project has bombed spectacularly. What's the next move? Do you shake it off, keep your chin up, and push forward, or do you stop, reflect, and analyze what went wrong? For most of us, this is a question we wrestle with regularly. It’s a mental tug-of-war between wanting to charge ahead...

Fear Is Sabotaging Your Life I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the reason you’re not successful, happy, and getting laid isn’t because the world is against you. It’s not because you didn’t have the right upbringing, or because of some outside circumstance that you have no control over. The brutal truth is that you’ve allowed your fears to grow larger than your dreams. You’ve let them dictate your decisions, control your actions, and ultimately sabotage your potential. This isn’t just...

Aim High or Get Smashed:Why Reaching for the Stars is the Only Way to Win in Life The other day in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), my coach was teaching us a move to escape one of the worst positions you can be in on the mat—the mount. Being mounted sucks Imagine being pinned down, feeling the weight of your opponent bearing down on you, and knowing that if you don’t get out soon, things are going to get a whole lot worse. It’s uncomfortable, disorienting, and can quickly lead to you getting...