One Simple Shift to Go From Struggling to Success

The Trap of Focusing on What You Don’t Want

Most people are stuck in life because they’re focused on what they don’t want.

Think about it.

How often have you found yourself saying things like,

  • “I don’t want to be broke”
  • “I don’t want to be stuck in this job”
  • “I don’t want to be in a relationship like this anymore”

This is a common mindset, but it's also one of the biggest reasons why most people fail to create the life they want.

The irony is, by focusing so hard on what you don’t want, you end up drifting aimlessly without a real target, and sometimes even land in worse situations.


Because “not wanting” something is not the same as having a clear goal, a destination that pulls you forward.

Let me break it down.

If all you’re doing is shouting, “I don’t want to be here!”—you’re just standing still.

You’re identifying the problem, but there’s no plan, no next move, no vision.

That leaves you open to endless paths, most of which don’t lead to a better outcome.

In fact, some lead to much worse situations.

But here’s the game-changer.

When you flip that mindset and focus on what you do want, everything changes.

It’s the difference between wandering in a fog and having a compass guiding you toward your true destination.

Now, you’ve got direction, purpose, and the ability to pivot toward what truly matters.

The Power of Focusing on What You Want

Let’s dive into this deeper, because this shift in mindset is crucial if you want to see real change in your life.

1. You’re Trapped by What You Don’t Want

We’ve all been there.

You're in a job that sucks the life out of you, and all you can think about is how much you hate it.

You start spiraling.

  • "I don’t want to work for this company anymore."
  • "I don’t want to deal with my boss."
  • "I don’t want to be broke."

But here’s the trap.

Focusing on what you don’t want is reactive.

It’s a survival mechanism.

Your mind is trying to avoid pain, which is normal.

But by constantly reinforcing these negative thoughts, you’re keeping yourself in a state of fear and frustration.

You're defining your life by avoidance, not aspiration.

It’s like being on a sinking ship and saying, “I don’t want to drown.”

Okay, sure, but where are you going to swim?

You could end up anywhere in the vast ocean of life—lost, confused, and still miserable.

Most people stay stuck because they’re running away from their current situation instead of running toward something better.

The problem with this approach is it doesn’t lead to growth.

It leads to jumping from one bad situation to another, because you haven’t taken the time to define what you actually want.

2. The Cost of Drifting Without Purpose

The truth is, this mindset doesn’t just keep you stuck.

It has real costs.

When you’re constantly focused on what you don’t want, you end up wasting precious time and energy.

You’re like a hamster on a wheel, running as fast as you can but getting nowhere.

And the longer you stay in that mindset, the more drained and defeated you feel.

Imagine spending years trying to avoid failure, rejection, or discomfort, but never making any meaningful progress.

You go from job to job, relationship to relationship, city to city, hoping the next move will magically make everything better.

But because you’ve never taken the time to identify what success actually looks like for you, you end up making the same mistakes, facing the same struggles, and wondering why nothing ever changes.

This is the definition of insanity—doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.

But here’s the kicker.

The longer you stay stuck in this cycle, the harder it becomes to break free.

You lose confidence in yourself.

You start believing that maybe you’re just unlucky, or maybe success is for other people, not you.

This is where most people give up, resigning themselves to a life of mediocrity, simply because they never shifted their focus to what they do want.

3. Focus on What You Want to Be, Do, and Have

Now, let’s talk about the solution.

It’s simple, but powerful.

Start focusing on what you do want.

Instead of saying, “I don’t want to be broke,” say, “I want to be financially independent.”

Instead of saying, “I don’t want to be stuck in this job,” say, “I want to build a career that challenges and excites me.”

And instead of saying, “I don’t want to be in a toxic relationship,” say, “I want to be in a healthy, loving partnership.”

Notice the difference?

One is about running away, while the other is about moving toward something better.

One keeps you stuck in fear, the other propels you into action.

When you focus on what you do want, you give yourself a clear target to aim for.

You create a vision for your life, and that vision becomes your North Star, guiding your decisions and helping you navigate the inevitable obstacles that come your way.

Here’s why this matters.

Your brain is wired to follow patterns.

If you constantly feed it negativity and avoidance, it will keep you in survival mode.

But when you start feeding it positive, clear goals, your brain starts looking for ways to make those goals a reality.

This is why athletes visualize their success before they ever step on the field.

They’re not thinking about losing or getting injured—they’re laser-focused on winning.

And that focus drives their actions, their mindset, and ultimately their results.

4. How to Shift Your Focus

So, how do you make this shift?

Start by asking yourself some hard questions:

  • What do you really want out of life? Not what you don’t want, but what you actually want.
  • What kind of career, relationship, health, and lifestyle do you want to create?
  • Where do you want to be 1 year from now, 5 years from now, or 10 years from now?

Take some time to reflect on these questions, and be brutally honest with yourself.

Most people don’t even know what they truly want because they’ve spent so long avoiding their current reality.

But if you want to change your life, you’ve got to get crystal clear on your vision.

Next, write it down.

There’s something powerful about putting your goals on paper.

It turns abstract ideas into concrete targets.

And once you have those targets, you can start taking action—small steps, every day—that move you closer to your vision.

5. Living a Life of Clarity and Purpose

When you start focusing on what you do want, everything in your life starts to change.

You’re no longer a victim of circumstance, reacting to whatever life throws your way.

You’re in control, making decisions that align with your vision.

You wake up each day with purpose, knowing exactly what you’re working toward and why.

And even when things get tough—and they will—you’re able to stay grounded because you know where you’re headed.

Obstacles become opportunities to learn and grow, not reasons to quit.

You develop resilience, grit, and confidence in your ability to create the life you want.

This is what separates successful people from everyone else.

It’s not that they’re smarter, luckier, or more talented.

It’s that they’ve learned to focus on what they do want, and they take consistent action toward that vision every single day.

Stop Running Away—Start Moving Toward What You Want

If you want to live a life of happiness, success, and fulfillment, stop focusing on what you don’t want.

Stop running away from your problems, and start running toward your dreams.

The moment you make this shift, you’ll find that the path forward becomes clear.

You’ll no longer feel lost, stuck, or overwhelmed.

Instead, you’ll feel empowered, motivated, and excited about the future.

Remember, you get what you focus on.

So focus on what you do want, and watch as your life transforms.

Charles Doublet

Helping young men to become warriors, leaders, and teachers. Showing them how to overcome fear, bullies, and life's challenges so they can live the life they were meant to live.

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