To Control Your Life, First Control Your Attention

The Battle for Your Mind

You wake up, reach for your phone, and scroll through the news.

The headlines scream chaos—disaster, conflict, fear.

Social media feeds show you curated lives that seem better than yours, creating a subtle sense of dissatisfaction.

But here’s the catch: most of what you see is designed to manipulate your emotions, keep you glued to the screen, and, most importantly, control where your attention goes.

We live in the safest, most abundant, and connected time in human history.

Books like Factfulness by Hans Rosling and The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker lay out the data that proves this.

So why does it feel like the world is falling apart?

The answer is simple: your perception is being shaped by forces that want to control you.

The news media, social media algorithms, and even marketing experts know that your attention is the most valuable resource they can exploit.

If you want to reclaim your life, you have to be intentional about where you place your focus.

It’s time to break free from the mental hijack.

The Perception Trap

"If it bleeds, it leads."

This phrase isn’t just a catchy saying for news outlets—it’s a business model.

Negative headlines drive clicks, views, and engagement.

Fear sells better than hope, and conflict attracts more eyeballs than cooperation.

Your brain is wired to prioritize threats, a survival mechanism dating back to the caveman days when danger lurked around every corner.

Today, that same survival instinct is being hijacked to keep you hooked on negativity.

Every time you let these fear-mongering headlines grab your attention, you're giving away a piece of your power.

Social media, with its endless scroll of highlight reels and outrage, warps your perception of reality.

You start believing the world is far worse than it actually is, that your life is lacking compared to everyone else's, and that the only way to keep up is to stay plugged into the matrix of endless information.

But here’s the kicker: this constant stream of negativity isn't just making you anxious or stressed—it's quietly controlling your life.

The more your attention is consumed by what’s going wrong, the less mental space you have to create something right.

Your focus is your greatest asset, and by letting others dictate it, you’re playing their game.

It’s like walking into a martial arts match already at a disadvantage because your opponent knows all your weaknesses.

Every time you react to the fear-based stories they’re feeding you, you lose ground.

They control the narrative, and you’re just along for the ride.

The Hijacking of Your Brain

Here’s where it gets darker.

The people behind the headlines, the social media algorithms, and the marketing agencies all understand how your brain works better than you do.

They know that if they can trigger your fight, flight, or freeze response—your amygdala—they can manipulate you.

They thrive on division and chaos because it’s easier to control divided people than united ones.

Remember the old saying, divide and conquer?

That strategy didn’t die with the Roman Empire.

It’s alive and well today.

Every time you see a polarizing headline or an angry post designed to pit one group against another, understand that it’s part of a bigger game—one that benefits the few at the expense of the many.

By keeping you in a state of constant stress and agitation, they make you more susceptible to buying into whatever they’re selling.

It could be fear, products, political ideologies—it doesn’t matter.

The goal is the same: keep you distracted and disoriented, so you don’t realize how much control they’ve taken over your life.

The more time you spend in this reactive state, the more difficult it becomes to break free.

You start to believe that this warped view of the world is the truth.

And the more you buy into that lie, the more disconnected you become from your own intuition, conscience, and inner wisdom—your Jiminy Cricket.

Take Back Your Attention, Reclaim Your Power

So, what’s the answer?

How do you protect yourself from this mental hijacking?

It starts with awareness.

You need to recognize that the world isn't as bad as it’s being portrayed.

Sure, bad things happen, but the overall trend of humanity is upward.

Crime rates are lower, wars are fewer, and people are living longer, healthier lives.

But you won’t hear that on the evening news because it doesn’t sell.

Next, you need to consciously decide where your attention goes.

Your focus is your reality.

If you spend your days glued to sensational headlines, you’re going to feel like the world is burning.

But if you start paying attention to positive trends, innovative ideas, and your own personal growth, that becomes your reality.

You’re no longer reacting to the world—you’re creating it.

One powerful way to do this is to limit your consumption of negative media.

  • If the news is stressing you out, take a break.
  • Unfollow accounts that thrive on drama and outrage.
  • Start filling your mind with content that uplifts and inspires you.

Remember this: what you give your attention to grows.

If you want to grow fear, focus on fear.

If you want to grow abundance, focus on abundance.

The choice is yours.

How Your Life Changes When You Control Your Focus

Imagine waking up in the morning and not being bombarded by fear and negativity.

Instead, you feel calm, focused, and in control.

You choose what enters your mind, and because of that, your mental and emotional state improves.

You start to notice opportunities instead of obstacles.

Your relationships improve because you’re no longer stuck in a constant cycle of stress and worry.

You feel more empowered in your work and your personal life because you’re no longer giving your power away to forces that don’t serve you.

It’s like stepping onto the martial arts mat for the first time.

At first, you’re overwhelmed, reactive, and defensive.

But with time and discipline, you learn to control your movements, your reactions, and ultimately, the outcome of the match.

The same is true for life.

When you control your attention, you control your reality.

The Path Forward

The world is not out to get you, but there are forces that will take advantage of you if you’re not careful.

Your attention is your greatest asset—guard it with everything you’ve got.

Just like in martial arts, where focus and discipline lead to mastery, the same applies to your mind.

Don’t give your power away to those who want to keep you small, fearful, and divided.

Rise above the noise.

Train your mind like you would your body—consistently, deliberately, and with purpose.

A rising tide lifts all ships, and when you elevate your perception, you elevate your life.

Choose wisely what you focus on, and watch as your world transforms from chaos to clarity, from fear to abundance.

The game has always been about control—now, it’s time for you to take the reins.

Your reality is yours to create.

Charles Doublet

Helping young men to become warriors, leaders, and teachers. Showing them how to overcome fear, bullies, and life's challenges so they can live the life they were meant to live.

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