How Hapkido Helped Me to Win the Rat Race

The Untapped Power of the 80/20 Rule:
Why It's Easier Than Ever to Be a Top Performer

In 1987, as I stepped on the mat of GM Han's dojang, I didn't really know what I had gotten myself into.

All I knew was that from my experience of Aikido in Hawaii, I felt more calm and centered when I was training martial arts, than when I wasn't.

Little did I realize that one small habit of training every day would yield huge benefits.

And that it would give me the template for achieving success in life, in business, and in my marriage.

Let me explain...

You've likely heard of the 80/20 Rule, also known as the Pareto Principle.

It states that roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes.

In simpler terms, a small amount of effort often yields a majority of the results.

But there's a hidden gem within this principle – a fact that's rarely discussed but holds immense power in today's world.

The Rise of the Rare

The globalized economy used to be a double-edged sword for young warriors like yourself.

Companies could hire anyone, anywhere, seemingly making competition cutthroat.

What it's actually done, however, is expose a startling truth: truly excellent workers are a rare breed, no matter the price tag.

The Distraction Dojo

Here's the twist.

We live in a society steeped in digital distractions, instant gratification, and a "follow your passion" mantra that often leads to a scattered approach.

People are glued to social media, crave constant validation, and shy away from discomfort.

It's a paradox – a world overflowing with information yet lacking the focus and discipline to truly excel.

Enter the 80/20 Rule's Secret Weapon

Imagine this world as your training ground, your personal dojo.

Most people are wandering around the edges, easily distracted, unwilling to step onto the mat and face their limitations.

This, my friend, is your advantage.

Here's the secret weapon hidden within the 80/20 Rule.

Becoming a top performer requires surprisingly little – just the consistent application of a few fundamental principles.

The Three Pillars of the 20%er

  1. Show Up Every Day: This might sound like the bare minimum, but consistency is a superpower in a world of inconsistency. Reliable warriors are gold. Imagine a construction site where half the crew shows up whenever they feel like it. Chaos, right? Be the dependable one, the rock your team can rely on.
  2. Do What's Required: This isn't about going above and beyond every single day (although that's commendable!). It's about mastering the fundamentals, completing your tasks to a high standard, and taking ownership of your work. Think of it like mastering basic martial arts techniques. You can't become a black belt without perfecting those foundational moves.
  3. Become a Solution Machine: Here's where you separate yourself from the pack. Don't just identify problems – actively seek solutions. Think critically, anticipate challenges, and come prepared with ways to overcome them. In today's world, problem-solvers are a rare breed. Be the one who consistently brings creative solutions to the table.

The Compound Effect of Consistency

These three principles might seem simple, but their impact is compounded over time.

Imagine two construction workers.

One shows up sporadically, does the bare minimum, and constantly complains.

The other is always there, completes their tasks flawlessly, and proactively seeks solutions.

Who do you think will get promoted faster?

Who will be the one colleagues rave about?

This isn't some hypothetical thought exercise.

I would see this each and every day in construction.

On every construction project!

I would see some people who would put more effort into avoiding work rather than just doing their damn job!


Practicing the mindset I learned from hapkido;

  • show up
  • do my best
  • help others

These were the basic skills that helped me to be in a position to train and manage a crew on a multi-billion-dollar project at LAX, the Midfield Satellite Concourse, nestled behind the Tom Bradley International Terminal.

The Dojo Advantage

There's a martial arts analogy.

Did you know only 6% of people in the US participate in martial arts training?

The statistic is even more rare for those who commit long enough to earn a 1st-dan black belt, let alone 2nd-dan and above.

Out of the 1000s who joined GM Han's dojang, only 110 were promoted by him to 1st-dan in his 40 years of teaching in the US.

Most people are afraid to step onto the mat, to face their limitations head-on.

But that's where real growth happens.

By consistently showing up, mastering basics, and focusing on solutions, you're training in your own personal dojo.

You're building the discipline, focus, and problem-solving skills that make you a standout performer.

The Takeaway

The world might be filled with distractions, but it also presents a wide-open playing field for those willing to commit.

By embracing the 80/20 Rule's hidden weapon – consistency and focus – you can become a rock star in your field.

Remember, it's not about superhuman feats, it's about dedication to the fundamentals.

So, step onto the mat, young warrior.

Show up, do your job, and become a solution machine.

The world needs more 20%ers, and you have the potential to be one of them.

Charles Doublet

Helping young men to become warriors, leaders, and teachers. Showing them how to overcome fear, bullies, and life's challenges so they can live the life they were meant to live.

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