How Losers Make Bad Comparison But Winners Make Good Ones

Comparison: Not the Enemy,
But the Untamed Ally

We've all heard the saying: "Comparison is the thief of joy."

While the sentiment is understandable, it paints an incomplete picture.

Imagine a skilled carpenter constantly comparing their work to a master architect.

Discouragement would be inevitable.

But what if that carpenter compared their current project to a simpler one they built a year ago?

Suddenly, progress becomes clear, and motivation surges.

The key lies in understanding the power of healthy comparison.

Most people get it wrong.

They compare their "now," and often it's their "bloopers reel," to someone else's "highlight reel."

Social media feeds overflow with carefully curated successes, breeding a constant, gnawing sense of inadequacy.

This is a recipe for misery, not growth.

Here's the truth: you can't escape comparisons entirely.

We are social creatures, wired to learn from each other.

The real challenge lies in harnessing comparisons as a tool for development.

Let's ditch the simplistic "good vs. bad" view and explore three categories of comparisons:

  • The Inspirers (The +s): These are the people who excel in your chosen field. They ignite a fire within you, showcasing the vast possibilities and motivating you to push your boundaries. Think of a martial artist watching a master perform a seemingly impossible feat. The urge to learn, to train harder, becomes overwhelming. These comparisons push you to expand your vision, reminding you that there's always more to discover and master.
  • The Apprentices (The -s): These are the individuals who are just starting their journey, perhaps mirroring your own earlier struggles. Helping them can be incredibly rewarding. Sharing your knowledge not only empowers them but also serves as a powerful reminder of how far you've come. Imagine a programmer who once grappled with basic coding concepts now guiding a complete beginner. In the process of teaching, they solidify their own understanding and appreciate their own progress. The apprentice becomes a mirror reflecting your own growth.
  • The Equals (The =s): These are your peers, your worthy rivals. Think of training partners in martial arts or fellow entrepreneurs in a competitive market. They push you to refine your skills, constantly raising the bar. It's the "iron sharpening iron" principle in action. Without these constant challenges, growth stagnates. Competition isn't about crushing others; it's about pushing each other to new heights.

But the most crucial comparison isn't with others at all.

It's a three-way dance between your future self, your present self, and your past self.

This is where the magic happens.

  • Future Self (The +): This is your aspirational vision, the person you strive to become. It's that master carpenter you admire or the athlete achieving seemingly impossible feats. Use this as a guiding star, constantly evaluating your present actions against your long-term goals.
  • Present Self (The =): This is you, right now, in this present moment. Are you actively working towards your future self? Are the choices you make today paving the path toward your aspirations? This is where the rubber meets the road.
  • Past Self (The -): This is where you've been, the foundation upon which you're building. Think back to your earlier struggles, the things you once found challenging. Comparing your present self to your past self reveals a powerful truth – you've grown further than you think.

The true comparison game focuses on this internal dialogue.

Are your present actions propelling you towards your future goals?

How far have you come from where you once were?

These are the questions that fuel genuine progress and unlock a sense of accomplishment.

Here's how to master the art of healthy comparison:

  1. Define Your "Why": What drives you? What do you want to achieve? Having a clear vision for your future self provides a benchmark for your present actions.
  2. Seek Inspiration Strategically: Surround yourself with people who inspire you, but don't let them become a source of self-doubt. Focus on learning from their journey, not comparing your beginning to their middle.
  3. Become a Mentor: Helping others reinforces your own understanding and highlights how far you've come.
  4. Embrace the Competition, Not the Conflict: Healthy competition pushes you to be better, but don't get consumed by animosity. Learn from your rivals, celebrate their victories, and strive to be your own best.
  5. Track Your Progress: Journaling your journey allows you to revisit your past self and appreciate the growth you've achieved.

Comparison isn't the thief of joy, it's the feedback loop for success.

Now go out there!

Get inspired by your +s

Help your -s

And hone yourself with your =s

P.S. I recently had difficulty keeping up with my goals and activities and wondered if I was making "enough" progress.

It was frustrating because I knew about the power of the 1% Compounding Effect, but I wasn't sure if it was happening, so I built a quick and easy sheet to track what my present-self was doing to grow into my future-self.

You can have it free here:

It's a simple one-page PDF that you can print or save to your phone tablet to track what you're doing throughout the day and how you feel about your activities.

In that way, you can keep "score" of your activities and your energy as you do them.

After a couple of weeks, it really helped me to get a better handle on my progress and I believe it will help you also.

Get it here:

Charles Doublet

Helping young men to become warriors, leaders, and teachers. Showing them how to overcome fear, bullies, and life's challenges so they can live the life they were meant to live.

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