How To Master the Physics of Magic

Have you ever wondered how martial artists can break boards, bricks and bottles?

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Breaking is a common exercise in martial arts to demonstrate the unification of body, mind, and spirit.

It is an opportunity for the practitioner to display how he can hone his complete focus to one specific task.

It is what takes the theoretical to the physical, and you can see this with any true expert of a particular art.

It's why when we see some athletes doing the near-miraculous that leaves us with our jaws open and hearts soaring.

It's how

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And this power is not only for those elite few.

But for anybody willing to hone and own this power.

Imagine a world where your thoughts, words, and actions are not just random occurrences but are manifestations of energy, vibrating at different frequencies.

This might sound like something from a sci-fi movie, but it’s ancient wisdom, known to Indian Hindu scientists thousands of years ago.

The principles they explored millennia before modern technology even existed are now being validated by cutting-edge science.

Fritjof Capra, a renowned physicist, famously explored this connection between ancient spirituality and modern quantum physics in his book The Tao of Physics.

His work, alongside others, highlights a reality that spiritual traditions have long understood: everything in the universe is energy, and this energy takes form through vibration and frequency.

So what does this mean for you?

The thoughts you think, the words you speak, and the actions you take are all energetic expressions of your consciousness.

And the density, intensity, and intention behind them determine how far you can go in life.

Success doesn’t start with some external event—it begins with the energy you create from within.

Let’s explore how energy shapes your reality and how you can harness it for your own growth.

Connection is the Key

We live in a world obsessed with outcomes—chasing money, success, relationships, and happiness.

But we often fail to address the most critical aspect of getting what we want: the energy behind our thoughts and actions.

Have you ever felt stuck, despite working hard, saying the right things, or even being in the right place at the right time?

Maybe you’ve experienced moments of clarity when everything seemed to fall into place, but they were fleeting.

What makes the difference between those rare, magical moments and the mundane reality where things don’t work out?

It comes down to the density and intensity of your energy.

Most people don’t realize that their thoughts, words, and actions are disconnected.

They’re thinking one thing, saying another, and doing something entirely different.

This disconnect dilutes your energy, causing confusion in the universe and slowing down your progress.

Let’s break it down:

  • Thoughts are the seeds of everything you create. But they’re fleeting, ephemeral. Without focus, they scatter in all directions like sand in the wind.
  • Words are more tangible, but if they’re not backed by belief, they’re empty vessels.
  • Actions bring thoughts into the physical realm, but without intention, they often lead nowhere.

Most people struggle because they haven’t aligned their thoughts, words, and actions to vibrate at the same frequency.

Most People Live Out of Alignment

This lack of alignment is why so many people live in a state of frustration, disappointment, and unfulfilled potential.

You can feel it when you’re not in sync with yourself, and it shows up in all areas of your life.

  • Maybe you’ve been working on a project or goal, but progress is painstakingly slow. You wonder if you’re wasting your time, but deep down, you feel like you’re meant for more.
  • Or you’ve found yourself speaking about your dreams, making bold declarations, but nothing seems to come to fruition. Despite all the talk, you’re still stuck in the same place, year after year.
  • Perhaps you’ve even taken significant action—made investments, started a business, or worked toward a career change. But the results you envisioned are nowhere to be found.

This inconsistency between what you think, what you say, and what you do creates an energetic dissonance.

It’s like tuning into multiple radio stations at once—you end up hearing nothing but static.

But here’s the harsh reality: the universe doesn’t respond to scattered, inconsistent energy.

If your thoughts are scattered, your words are uncommitted, and your actions are half-hearted, the energy you project into the world is weak and fragmented.

You’ll always get back what you put out, and if what you’re putting out is incoherent, you’ll receive confusion and delays in return.

You’re in a constant state of “almost” — almost succeeding, almost happy, almost satisfied.

W. H. Murray famously said,

"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.
Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.
All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in ones favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.
I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets:
"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!”"

What most people don’t realize is that this commitment is not just about taking action—it’s about committing your energy, fully aligning your thoughts, words, and actions to a singular focus.

Aligning the Head, Heart, and Gut

So how do you overcome this?

How do you move from scattered, weak energy to focused, intentional, and aligned energy that propels you forward?

It starts with understanding that everything is energy.

When you become aware of this fundamental truth, you realize that every thought, word, and action you take carries weight.

Every time you let your thoughts drift or fail to follow through on your words, you weaken your energetic force.

The goal is to become a master of your energy, to align your thoughts, words, and actions so they vibrate at the same frequency.

Here’s how you can begin:

Master Your Thoughts

Your mind is the starting point for everything you create in life.

Thoughts are where your energy begins to take shape.

But as we know, thoughts are fleeting and can be difficult to control.

That’s why countless ancient teachings, from As a Man Thinketh to Think and Grow Rich, emphasize controlling your mind.

If you want to change your life, you must first control your thoughts.

  1. Focus on what you want, not what you fear. Most people waste their mental energy worrying about what could go wrong. The more energy you give to those thoughts, the more likely they are to manifest.
  2. Practice mental discipline. Train your mind to stay focused on a single thought for extended periods. Meditation, visualization, and journaling can help you sharpen this skill. The longer you hold a thought, the more power it gains.
  3. Speak with Intention: Words are not just sound; they are energy that carries your thoughts into the world. If your words lack conviction or are filled with doubt, you weaken the power of your thoughts. When you speak, speak with the intention to create. Your words should reinforce your thoughts, not contradict them.
    • Speak in alignment with your goals. Don’t talk about what you’re going to do someday. Talk as if it’s already happening. This creates a mental shift that primes you for action.
    • Eliminate negative language. Every time you say, “I can’t,” “I’m not,” or “It’s too hard,” you’re sending energy that weakens your resolve. Replace those words with empowering language that aligns with what you want to create.
  4. Take Bold, Aligned Action: Thought and words alone won’t create change—action is the final step in the manifestation process. But not just any action. You need bold, decisive action that aligns with your thoughts and words.
    • Commit fully. Half-hearted actions yield half-hearted results. When you decide to move, move with intensity. As W. H. Murray wrote, “Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”
    • Trust the process. You may not see immediate results, but when your energy is aligned, the universe starts to work in your favor. As Murray also said, “Providence moves too.” Unforeseen opportunities, connections, and resources will appear to help you along your path.

Putting It All Together

Energy, frequency, and vibration are not just abstract ideas—they are the foundation of everything you experience in life.

Once you understand that every thought, word, and action carries energy, you can begin to consciously shape your reality.

The ancient Indian scientists knew this, long before particle accelerators and quantum physics validated their teachings.

And now you have the power to apply this wisdom in your own life.

If you want more success, happiness, or fulfillment, the first step is to become aware of your energy.

  • Are your thoughts aligned with your goals?
  • Do your words carry the intention of success?
  • Are your actions bold and aligned?

The more you align your thoughts, words, and actions with the energy of your desired outcome, the faster you will attract it.

As Arthur C. Clark stated;

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

But it’s not magic—it’s physics.

The universe responds to focused, intentional energy, and when you commit fully, it commits right back.

So the next time you find yourself stuck or wondering why things aren’t working out, take a moment to check your energy.

Align your thoughts, words, and actions—and watch how the world shifts in your favor.

As W. H. Murray said, “Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”

The question is,

Are you ready to step into that boldness?

If you want more success, more growth, or a deeper connection to your purpose, it starts with mastering your energy.

Charles Doublet

Helping young men to become warriors, leaders, and teachers. Showing them how to overcome fear, bullies, and life's challenges so they can live the life they were meant to live.

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