
Charles Doublet

Helping young men to become warriors, leaders, and teachers. Showing them how to overcome fear, bullies, and life's challenges so they can live the life they were meant to live.

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After 35 Years in Construction I Had to Learn How to Learn

I will never forget my first construction job! It was the winter of 1986 and a renovation job for the hotel that was featured in the movie, Pretty Woman, The Beverly Wilshire Hotel. The Beverly Wilshire Four Seasons Hotel They gutted the front building for a complete makeover, while still keeping the rear building for visiting guests and the residents. (Did you know that some people actually live in hotels, taking advantage of maid and room service, I didn't.) Since it was my first...

Why So Many People Suffer in Life—and How You Can Break Free Most people suffer through life not because they aren’t capable, intelligent, or deserving of success, but because they’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of being busy. They wake up, go through their routine, go to work, come home exhausted, and repeat it all the next day. There’s no pause, no reflection—just relentless motion. You’ve probably heard the old saying: “Most people are so busy working in their lives that they don’t work...

Ignorance and Naivety:The Dangerous Illusion of Knowing Without Experience Once, while sipping coffee at a local cafe, I struck up a conversation with a young man who was skillfully drawing an image of Bruce Lee. He was clearly talented, and as he shaded the sketch, he started talking passionately about his love for Bruce. “Man, I know everything there is to know about Bruce Lee—his history, his training, his philosophy. The guy was a legend,” he said, his eyes lighting up with admiration. As...

The world is full of people trying desperately to "look" smart. Everywhere you turn, there are experts, self-proclaimed gurus, and internet intellectuals offering their two cents on every topic under the sun. But here's the harsh reality: most of these people are operating out of ignorance, not intelligence. The need to appear smart is a powerful force that traps many in a prison of false certainty. They cling to what they think they know, fiercely defending their limited perspectives as if...

The Gift of Failure October 13th marks an unusual yet profound holiday: the International Day of Failure. What began in Finland as a celebration of mistakes, missteps, and missed opportunities has grown into a movement that teaches us all a powerful lesson—failure isn’t something to be feared. Instead, it’s something to be embraced, learned from, and ultimately, celebrated. Yet, in our hyper-success-driven culture, most people view failure as a mark of shame. They’re haunted by the things...

Have you ever wondered how martial artists can break boards, bricks and bottles? Breaking is a common exercise in martial arts to demonstrate the unification of body, mind, and spirit. It is an opportunity for the practitioner to display how he can hone his complete focus to one specific task. It is what takes the theoretical to the physical, and you can see this with any true expert of a particular art. It's why when we see some athletes doing the near-miraculous that leaves us with our jaws...

The Art of Not Quitting:Only By Going Too Far Can You See How Far You Can Go Most people quit too soon. They hit a bump in the road, a moment of frustration, and suddenly it feels easier to walk away than to stick with it. This is why most people aren't successful—because they give up just as things get hard. If you've ever been tempted to quit when the going gets tough, you're not alone. But here's the truth: Only by going too far can you see how far you can go. There's a saying I often like...

The Gift of Problems:Why Most People Suffer and Only a Few Succeed Everyone has problems. No one is immune. Yet, most people do everything in their power to avoid problems. They’ll distract themselves, blame others, and make excuses. But here’s the harsh truth: avoiding problems doesn’t make them go away. In fact, it makes things worse. It keeps you stuck, frustrated, and powerless. And the reason so many people suffer in life isn’t because they have problems—it’s because they refuse to...

The Reason Why "Iron Sharpens Iron" Being a warrior is about more than winning. Have you ever felt like you’re constantly battling shadows on the mat, easily taking down opponents who barely put up a fight? What if I told you there’s a more powerful, transformative approach that could elevate not just your training, but your entire life? This is where the concept of steel-manning, rather than straw-manning, comes into play. What Doesn't Kill You... Let’s dive into why embracing the challenge...

In the 80s, I spent countless hours in the dim, smoke-filled atmosphere of the billiard hall, University Cue, honing my skills on the 9-ball pool table. To many, this was just a pastime—a way to pass the hours after school. (Sometimes, instead of school,😜) But for me, it was much more than that. This may have been the first time outside of scouting that I diligently pursued learning a skill for no other reason than I wanted to. And I remember the day I took it seriously, it was the day I...